May 12,2015

Worry Less with this Wedding Day Survival Kit

Ever been at a party and your nail chips? It bothers you the entire night. Someone engages you in conversation and you forget for a few moments… and then… there it is again.  You start rubbing it, thinking of ways to file it.  Now, you’re desperate.

Here are some essentials to include in your purse.

  1. Nail Clipper/File – no explanation needed, right?!
  2. Oxi-clean Spray – you got a little something on your shirt… spray this one and rub it in with a finger – voila!
  3. LYTE show – Electrolytes for people who drink.  This stuff works wonders when you’ve partied a little harder than you anticipated.
  4. Safety Pins – from broken sandals and zippers to torn dresses, these bad boys will keep you in one piece till the end of the night.
  5. Clear Nail Polish – not only will this repair nail breakage and pantyhose, it’s also a quick glue replacement.
  6. Pain Killers
  7. Pearly Wipes – portable and disposable way to brush your teeth on-the-go
  8. Tampon (for you ladies)
  9. Compact powder- because you never know when you’ll want to take that selfie, and let’s face it.  Who wants a shiny face?!

For outdoor shindigs? I also have these in my arsenal.

  1. Bug Spray – yes, even on the 18th hole people get bit!
  2. Solemates – these will prevent your heals from getting stuck in the grass and protect them from stains too!
  3. Umbrellas – multiple. just in case.

Wanna know what else I’ve got? Here’s the rest if you’re willing to take on the challenge:

Lint removing sheets, deodorant removing sponge, red wine stain remover, floss, kleenex, tape (duct, blue, floral, packing, and fabric), boutonniere/corsage pins, cake knife and server, zip ties, command strips, phone battery charger, floral shears, pens, extra pens, sunscreen, lip balm, cough drops, drugs (think mini drug store), bobby pins, water bottle and granola bar (because you never know when hunger strikes), and a first aid kit.  I also have a few secret weapons which are revealed only  when absolutely necessary and deployed only to the receiver of said secret weapon.  To those privy, your secret is safe with me.

Have I missed anything? Write it in the comments below and tell me how it saved the day!

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